Santa Volleyball - Going on holiday
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Letter From Santa - Santa Volleyball - Going on holiday


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Postcard from Santa



It's summertime and everyone's favourite jolly old Saint Nick is taking a much-needed break! That's right; Santa Claus has left the workshop for some well-earned rest and relaxation on the beach! Why not make your child's summer extra special with a Personalised Summer Postcard from Santa?

Your child will get a delightful postcard from Father Christmas, sent all the way from his secret sunbathing spot. It won't just be any ordinary postcard – it'll be personalized with your child's name and a heartfelt message. They'll see firsthand that Santa is thinking of them even when he isn't working in his workshop.

Let them know how their lovely letter to Santa paid off by telling them about everything Father Christmas got up to during his summer holiday. Talk about the delicious ice cream, the candied apples, and all his other festive activities – it's sure to bring a smile to their face! Nothing quite beats getting something fun in the mail.

So show your child how much you care this summer with a Personalised Summer Postcard from Santa himself – it'll be one unforgettable treat!

Preview this postcard from Santa - Santa Volleyball - Going on holiday


Dear [First name],

I have been so excited recently, with the weather becoming much warmer and the lighter evenings I just could not wait to write a summer postcard to you [First name]. You will be pleased to hear that I am getting some well-earned rest before the winter season arrives.

I absolutely love visiting the beach, have you been to the seaside recently? When I get to the beach with my fellow elves, I enjoy playing beach volleyball, have you ever played? It is such fun!

I hear that you maybe going to [HomeTown] soon? This sounds so lovely. I always enjoy visiting there on my sleigh ride in December, have a truly wonderful time, and if you have some time, please do make sure that you write a postcard to me here at the North Pole.

It has been so lovely writing to you, have a wonderful Summer and I look forward to writing to you again later this year.

[Santa Claus]

Personalise your postcard

To make the postcard from Santa very authentic along with the choice of postcard you can also personalise:

  • Name
  • Holiday Destination
  • Is it from Father Christmas or Santa Claus?

Just imagine their face when they read that Santa Claus knows so much about them.

Personalised Nice List Certificate from Santa

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