Santa, the snowman, the elves
Dearest [First name],
My dear [Boy/Girl], finally I have a chance to sit in my favourite chair and write you a letter. You see, I was outside building the most wonderful snowman with the elves. It was a great big, beautiful snowman, much taller than I am. The elves and I had so much fun, I didnāt even realise that I got snow in my boots. Then again, it is possible that one of the elves scooped snow into my boots when I wasnāt looking. The elves can be very naughty at times. Either way, my dear [First name], I now have very wet socks and very cold feet.
Thank goodness Mrs Claus made sure the fireplace is roaring so I can warm my feet and dry my socks. Wet socks are not fun at all, donāt you agree? Mrs Claus said that she would bring me a mug of warm cocoa and one of my favourite mince pies that she has been baking for Christmas. What is your favourite festive treat?
I heard about your wonderful [Achievement]. That is quite something for a [Boy/Girl] who is only [Age Range] old. [Relative Name] must be very proud of you. Well done [First name], keep up the good work. I also heard about how lovely you are to [Friends Name]. It is very important to be nice to the people around you, oh and you should never scoop snow into your friendās boot!
My socks are almost dry and I need to head to the workshop soon. We have been working on the most wonderful [Present] for you. I must say, I am looking forward to when the reindeer and I can travel to [HomeTown] so that I can leave your special present under the tree for you, as long as you continue to be a good [Boy/Girl].
You really have been such a good [Boy/Girl] this year. I will see you soon, [First name], and may you have a very Merry Christmas.
[Santa Claus]